Owned by Pugs

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Switch

Henry chewing

Whenever I get the pugs a bone or something to chew I always buy three of whatever it is.  That way each pug has their own bone.  I could probably get away with only getting one though.  When I first give each of the pugs their bone, they all run off to chew.  After a few minutes of chewing, the amount of time varies depending on the type of bone I give them, Benjamin, Henry & Luna all become interested in one bone and take turns chewing the same bone.  One of them will chew for a bit, then go to get a drink of water and then one of the other pugs will take their turn.  This process repeats usually until it is time for bed.  Benjamin & Henry have been doing this since they were pups.  Now it takes a bit longer to get their turn since little Luna came along.  But it can’t bother them too much because I always maintain a one bone per pug ratio.  They just choose not to chew it.  Silly pugs!

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Wow, I could never do that at my house.  Benjamin, Henry and Luna are amazing.



Cool! and I love the pic.  I know he’s chewing, but in stop action, it looks like he’s fallen asleep on the bone. lol

Our guys are also sharers…usually.  But they are also impatient and will sometimes chew on the same rawhide bone simultaneously.  I have a video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zq-J3UVBUrE
of them when they were younger, where they were sharing a chewy stick. 

Sometimes they definitely aren’t in the sharing mood.  Rascal “protects” his chewy by chewing it while propping it against our leg, or laying it on our foot.  Of course, the best chewy is the one that’s all soft and slimy.  And if you can get your brother to do the work to get it that way for you, all the better. lol



Carla, that video is absolutely precious…they are so gentle with one another.  Too sweet…

Love the pic of Henry too…it does look like he’s taken a little nap mid chew.  LOL



Carla, how funny.  All these multiple pugs makes me wish I had another pug, but with a rescued maltipoo and taking my sister’s chi mix when she died, plus 2 cats, it’s just not in the cards.



I always give them each a bone, two (I’ve got two pugs) but they always want the others bone. They’re so silly!

Karen B


Yep, sounds like another puggy trait!  C.J. and Toeby both get their own chewy but always end up either trading or fighting over the same one!  Sometimes, Toeby will try to “capture” both chewies, chewing on one and laying on the other while C.J. paces and looks for an opportunity to steal!

Karen B


Sue VDB, sound like you’ve got your hands full, but a time will come when you will be able to have a second pug and it’s truly a joy!



Too funny! I give mine each their own, then they switch. Then Gus gets up to check something out, Indy swoops in and steals it, he comes back to HIS and she growls at him. So he stands and stares until I give him her old one. They are silly!

My mom’s dog gathers up all their bones and puts them in her bed and spreads herself all over them. :p



What a great shot! how sweet is that?
“Ugh…I just can’t chew one more bite!“zzzz

Oh that would not fly in my house. When I dole them out they are always looking at what the other one got. They may drop there’s and run to the others and switch but I have to keep them away from each other or there will be a pug grudge match! LOL!



If we give Mr. Skittles a new toy, he is very agressive and will not let anyone touch it the first day.  Same with a dentabone.  I do not like this, any suggestions?

Henry looks like he got tired and decided to take a nap… makes me laugh!



Pat - oh no - that would not work for me. The only thing they can’t own me with is if I want something they have I get it!
I’m not an expert but in cases where my benee had something like toy stuffing I did the following when he was little (he wouldn’t dream of being aggressive with me now).
If they snarl or growl or get aggressive and you don’t feel like grabbing him by the back of the neck and giving a firm no! then get a water gun or spray bottle and a few squirts should work for him to let it go. Make him sit - pet him and reward him with praise for sitting and then hand the object back to him and then take it back again.
again - I was a novice but it worked - I can take anything I want from him (even bones)



Thanks Dee.  My husband will correct him, I have not had the opportunity to do so.  I don’t think he will bite me, but I really do not like this behaviour.



I’ll jump in here. (the dog trainer in me can’t help myself)

You don’t want to correct a dog for growling because you are then taking away their warning communication and can end uo with a dog that bites without giving the warning at all. You are also not changing the emotion of the event which is what you want to do in this case.

He is being possessive of the item because it has high value to him. In his case it sounds like the newness wears off and then he will share. Dogs are naturally resource guarders, some are just more insistant about it than others.

Dogs with proper social skills will pay attention to a growling dog and make a decision. It will either be to respect the grolwing dog and back away or to challenge the dog in which case you then end up with a fight or the growling dog relinquishing the item. It may come down to the value of the item in each dogs perception. Some things aren’t worth fighting over yet others are.

There is a book called Mine! A guide to resource guarding in dogs I would recommend. It is by Jean Donaldson.

In the meantime, if the dog is growling at you, you can play the trade game with him to teach “give” by trading yummy treats with him while you take it away and then give it right back. This way he makes a positive association with you taking the item and won’t guard it more thinking it will disappear or that he will get a correction when a hand comes near his item.

If it is about guarding from other dogs you may need to simply segregate him off with a new item until he learns to relax with it if you think it will cause a fight. Sometimes it is about management until you can do counter conditioning.

I think expecting dogs to share all items is asking alot. If you are playing with something and someone tried to take it away from you how would you react? Thankfully some dogs are content to let other dogs take their stuff away and find another toy to occupy themselves.

Yes we can teach dogs to let us have their stuff when we ask but it needs to be done in a fair manner. And one that doesn’t have fallout of taking away their communication.

I hope that helps. Good luck!



P.S. I love your blog. Your pugs are adorable! I am in love with Luna. What a face!



The grass is always greener, isn’t it?  Or in this case, the bone is always jucier.  Adrian and Rocky are each given two chewies or bones (exactly the same), but Adrian will drop hers after a minute or so, just sit and stare at Rocky and wait till he gets thirsty and then, when Rocky leaves his treat to go into the kitchen to get a drink, Adrian swoops in and snags his goody. Of course, vice versa.  This little dance goes on all evening long.  It’s really a hoot!  Too cute for words.



Sue, There are many blessings for you. You are doing a wonderful deed extending your loving arms to pets in need. You just may end up with another puggy some day. Until then I can send you pictures of Bentley, or you can just look at his blog. He is growing up so fast. Wow! It has only been a couple weeks too smile I would let you visit him, but I bet you don’t live in Utah.



Thanks Marie, very helpful information.  We do not purposely try to take anything away from him, but have noticed that he is very possessive of a new toy or treat.  My husband has tried to “play” and do the trade game, to see if we can show Mr Skittles that it is ok to have someone touch his new item.

I love Henry, Benny & Luna, and look forward to reading about their adventures every day.
Happy puggy weekend to all!!

Karen B


Marie, that’s great info! And it makes perfect pug sense!  I also am in love with Miss Luna’s face and have her on my computer as we speak as my desktop background.  I think she’s beautiful and that goes for her spirit too!  She’s a mighty princess!

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