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Monday, November 19, 2007

From Sissy, With Love


It was a sad weekend here in the OBP household.  We had our German Shepard cousin, Boston, take his last breath.  He lived near us when we lived in Maryland but it had been a while since we’d last seen him but we remember him fondly.  We would take him for long walks when his own mom needed a pup sitter.  We visited him a few times with the boys, too.  Though he was very protective of his mother, as most Shepards are, he still welcomed us all into his home and allowed the boys to partake in leg-lifting adventures in the back yard and even shared his prized chicken jerky treats.  It was very unfortunate that cousin Luna never had the opportunity to meet cousin Boston.  The two would have been fast friends, as well.  Bozzy, as he was affectionately referred to, was the light of his mama’s life.  He was a loyal and loving companion, a guardian and a best friend.  It is with heavy heart we mourn his passing.

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