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Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Huge Thanks to our devoted Voters and PetSource.org

I would like to THANK everyone who voted for Benjamin & Henry in the PetSource.org Halloween Costume Contest.  Because of your daily clicks the boys took home first place, earning Compassionate Pug Rescue $1,000.  Last weekend, Compassionate Pug Rescue received their check in the mail!  Hearing that news made my weekend!

So a huge thank you to all of you!  Without your daily clicks none of this would have ever been possible!

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Voting Continues

Hello everyone!  Thanks to all that have voted for Benjamin & Henry in the PetSource Halloween Costume Contest.  The boys are currently in the lead, but there is a new “Sheriff” that is catching up quick!  If you have the time please drop by and vote for the boys.  You can vote up to one time a day and I believe the contest runs until Halloween.  After you register the first time, voting is a lot easier.  The quickest way to find the boys is to sort by Most Voted.  Hopefully, we will still be at the top grin The boys are dressed as Batman & Robin

If we win, $1,000 goes to Compassionate Pug Rescue.  We would love to be able to win the money for them. 

Thanks so much!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Vote for Benjamin & Henry for a Good Cause

Contest Entry

I just entered a picture of Benjamin & Henry into PetSource.com’s Halloween Costume Contest.  The entry that gets the most votes gets a $1,000 donation to the animal charity of their choice.  We would love to win and send $1,000 to Compassionate Pug Rescue.  They nursed little Luna back to health and they have have recently helped so many pugs that were in need of costly medical attention.  So if you can, please drop by and cast a vote for Benjamin & Henry in Luna’s honor!  You can vote one time per day.

For some reason, I can’t link directly to our entry. But right now it is on the front page if you sort by newest.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Donations to Angel’s Fund Needed

Angel needs your helpEarlier this month, Animal Services contacted Compassionate Pug Rescue to let them know that they had just received a pug that had been hit by a car.  Because of the severity of the young pug’s injuries, Animal Services would be forced to put down the pug.  CPR swooped in and took the young pug from Animal Control and set off to get her the care that she needed for her injuries.

X-Rays revealed that Angel had an upper hip fracture, a fractured pelvic bone, and a left femur fractured in three different areas. It was determined that precious Angel would need two surgeries because the surgeon thought trying to fix everything at once was more than the sweet little girl could probably endure.

Angel’s first surgery was on August 3, 2007 and her second surgery was on August 6, 2007.  Angel has a lot of physical therapy to undergo in the upcoming months, but the Dr.’s prognosis for the future is very bright for sweet Angel.

As you can only imagine, the cost of Angel’s surgeries is much more than a small rescue organization can support.  Now more than ever, CPR needs the support of Pug Lovers everywhere!  A donation of any size goes a long way in helping to pay for Angel’s medical costs.

Thanks to CPR, Angel now has a whole life of pug living to do.

You can make a donation to the Compassionate Pug Rescue Angel Fund from Compassionate Pug Rescue’s Website.  Donations can be made via PayPal or checks may be mailed directly to Compassionate Pug Rescue.

I would like to give a big thank you to all those who donated money to CPR for the calendar contest.  Please know that your donations are being applied to the Angel fund and are helping this sweet girl on the road to recovery.

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