Owned by Pugs

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Happy Birthday, Benny!


Today, Benny would have turned 13 years old! There is only one thing I miss in these pictures, and that is Baby Benny. The snow, I don't miss that one bit.

But since it has been such a snowy winter in many places, I thought we would share our favorite Baby Benny snow pics. In Benny's young and wild pug days, the snow never really bothered him. It always seemed to get him fired up and make him want to run around. When we got a lot of snow he loved to run up and down the snow piles created by the snow plows.


I can only remember one really miserable time. We had taken the boys out after we had quite a bit of snow and it was still actively snowing. The snow was too deep for the boys to easily get around and it was super cold out. Their paws got too cold and we quickly went back inside to warm up.


But, give Benny a light dusting and he would run around like crazy!


So for all of our OBP friends that have had enough snow this year, I hope Spring has finally come and is melting away all the white stuff that old man winter brought you.

Happy Birthday Baby Benny! You are missed more than you will ever know.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Happy Birthday, Henry!


Today Henry turns 12 years old!

To celebrate Henry's birthday here are some of my favorite pictures of Hank - one from each year he has been with us. If you can't get enough of handsome Henry, check out more pictures of him on Flickr.

Henry - June 2002

June 2002: Ironically enough, it took Henry a few months to grow into his eyes as a pup. He had such a dark mask and the most velvet ears I had ever felt. To this day, his ears are silky smooth.

Henry - July 2003

July 2003: Henry has always been a water lover. He has never been an excellent swimmer, but that has certainly never diminished his love for the water. Whether it be a pool, the ocean a lake or just a really big puddle, if Henry can splash around in it and fetch something out of it Henry is having fun.

Henry - November 2004

November 2004: The beaten path is never where Henry wants to be. Henry was always running off and exploring. The less worn the path, the more he wanted to go that way. I guess you could say that he has always been one to blaze his own trail. After all, that is how he did find that peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Henry - January 2005

January 2005: Henry has always been a big chewer, however he is the only one of the pugs that actually chews the Kong. When we give the pugs a kong, we usually fill it with peanut butter. Benjamin, Henry and Luna lick and lick until they get all the peanut butter out of the inside of the Kong. At that point, Benjamin and Luna give up. But that is when Henry is just getting started. He collects everyones kongs to make sure no one left any peanut butter behind and then he goes to town chewing on the kong like he is going to be able to crack it open and get every last drop of peanut butter.

Henry - June 2006

June 2006: You can't talk about Henry and his favorite things and not talk about lounging in the sun. You can be assured that Henry gets the recommended dose of Vitamin D every day.

Henry - July 2007

July 2007: Being a pug, Henry of course loves food. One of his favorites has always been noodles. Since we frequently call him Hanky Doodle, when he has noodles, we like to call them Doodle's noodles. Overall, Henry likes surprisingly healthy foods. He loves most vegetables, including the gross ones like brussel sprouts wink

Henry - July 2008

July 2008: Henry has always been the official ear cleaner and takes the ear health of both Luna and Benjamin very seriously. It has worked great for Luna and Benjamin. Whenever they are at the vet they always get a great report on their ears. Unfortunately for Henry, neither Luna nor Benjamin return the favor to help keep Henry's ears clean.

Henry - February 2009

February 2009: Henry has always been the co-pilot. He loves car rides and his preferred way of travel is with his head out the window. The faster the car is going the more fun he is having.

Henry - April 2010

April 2010: Curious would be a good word to describe Henry. He is super smart and is very laid back, so when he encounters something new you almost see the wheels turning his head trying to process the situation. This makes him a lot of fun because he is game to try anything!

Henry - October 2011

October 2011: Don't get me wrong, Henry likes his creature comforts, but he loves the great outdoors. No matter what the season he loves to be outside and exploring. He's never been camping, mainly because his humans enjoy the finer things in life, but we have always surmised that he would love it!

Henry - March 2012

March 2012: While Benjamin has always been an early riser, Henry is perfectly content to turn breakfast into brunch and catch a few extra winks of sleep in the morning. Not only is he a man after my own heart with sleeping in, he also makes the best hug up buddy.

Henry - April 2013

April 2013: Because of his calm demeanor, Henry sometimes gets to go on little trips by himself. A yearly tradition for him is to go to the Bark at the Park event for our local minor league baseball team. Henry loves the yearly outing because he has made friends with a few of the concession workers. So, as soon as he gets to the park, he finds his friends and scores plenty of ballpark snacks.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Birthday, Henry!


Today is Henry's 11th birthday!

Henry is our calm and thoughtful pug. He is definitely a thinker and sometimes you can see the little wheels spinning in his head. He is also the most trusting of the group, sometimes a little too trusting. When he was a puppy, he rode in the back of our SUV in a crate so that him and Benny would not be wreaking havoc in the car while we were trying to drive. As soon as I would open the hatch and his crate, he would jump right into my arms. He trusted that I would catch him no matter what.

Ironically enough, as calm as Henry is, he has a bite sticker on his chart at the vet. That is because Henry has one rule: Don't attempt to clip my back toenails! When we try to trim his nails he gives us such a hard time. So we thought the vet techs might have a little bit better luck at getting his nails trimmed. They took him to the back to trim his nails and when everyone came back, Henry has this super proud look and a nice little bite sticker on his chart. Turns out he is better behaved for us than the techs at the vet.

While Henry loves to swim, lay out in the sun, take walks and eat treats, there is nothing he loves more than to be pet. He can be relentless in his pursuit of petting. If he is in a room full of people it is funny to watch how he works the room and gets everyone in it to pet him.

Happy Birthday, Hank!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Gotcha Day Cupid!


Thirteen years ago, we sprung Cupid from the pound! She was 2 at the time, so today we are celebrating her 15th birthday. That is 105 in human years. Man, someone needs to get her on the Smuckers jar!

Happy Birthday Cupid!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Happy Gotcha Day!


Happy Gotcha Day, Luna! 7 years ago we adopted Luna from Compassionate Pug Rescue. Luna was two when we adopted her so today we are celebrating her 9th birthday.

It is hard for me to imagine a life without this feisty little pug in it. I know I often talk about Luna's alpha female personality, but in addition she is the most loyal dog I have ever met. She loves her people and all she wants to do is spend time with them. I have learned so much from this resilient and loving pug over the years.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Henry!


Today, Henry joins Benny in turning the big 1-0!

Henry has always been a laid back sorta guy. Never as hyper as Benny, but still always up for an adventure. Ever since he was a pup, he was never one to stay on the beaten path. He always wants to go off and explore. After all you don't find gum, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and other snacks on the path.






Happy Birthday, Henry!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Benjamin!


Today, Baby Benny, hits double digits! The big 1-0.

Benny's approach to life has always been play hard, sleep hard and he still lives by those rules today. The only difference is he is now about 10% play 90% sleep.

He may have grayed a bit and put on a few extra pounds, but he is still the same old, lovable Baby Benny that is never far from his puff and always looking for pillows to fluff!

Happy Birthday, Benny Boy!






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