Owned by Pugs

Friday, September 5, 2008

Scattered Thoughts

Benjamin & Luna


The pugs won’t be lounging outside today.  We are getting some wind, rain and a lot of clouds from TS Hanna.  Nothing severe, just enough to keep the pugs from wanting to go out.

Calendar Contest

The 2009 Calendar Contest submission deadline has been extended to Sept. 12, 2008 (next Friday).  As of this morning we have received 765 entries!  I have flipped through them and I must say that this is the best group of pictures yet!  This is going to be the hardest year for selecting pictures for the calendar!  I can’t wait to see how much harder you can make this on me with an extra week to submit pictures. grin

The rescue group we will be teaming up with this year for the calendar contest is Central Florida Pug Rescue.  15% of the proceeds from the calendar sales will be donated to this wonderful organization.  We are excited to get to know our neighbors at CFPR a little better.

CFPR Sock Hop

Speaking of Central Florida Pug Rescue, we can hardly wait for their upcoming Sock Hop event on Saturday, September 27, 2008.  We will be attending this pug filled event and if you are in the Central Florida area we hope to see you there.  I just love the poster for the event.  You can click on it to see it full size.

CFPR Sock Hop

Special Sunday Posts

The Saturday Flashbacks have gotten a lot of great feedback, so I have decided to start a Sunday series of posts.  These posts will have a very specific theme and I will post them while supplies last. grin  It will all make a bit more sense on Sunday.  In the meantime, next week, I will try to get much better posts up during the week.  It is calendar season, so please bear with me.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Scattered Thoughts

Garlic & Dogs:  The post about the meatloaf from Eco Dog sparked some debate about Garlic and whether or not it is harmful to dogs.  I always thought Garlic was good for dogs, but after the issue was raised I checked with the ASPCA Poison center and found out that garlic can cause issues for dogs.  The ASPCA provides a great explanation (click through and scroll down to read what they have to say).

Bark Magazine: The meatloaf recipe that raised the question about Garlic is featured in the current issue of Bark.  I got my copy in the mail last week and I must say I am really enjoying this issue.

A Good reason to spay or neuter: I don’t know the exact formula they used to come up with this number, but, if none of the dogs were spayed or neutered, how many dogs do you think a female and her mate and all their offspring could produce in 6 years? (click for the answer)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Scattered Thoughts

What I am reading: Eco Dog.  I am really enjoying this book.

Mr. Clumsy: Henry fell off the arm of the sofa yesterday.  He just plopped right off.  After I checked on him, I couldn’t stop laughing.

Snow: I can’t believe how much snow our friends up north are getting.  Makes me realize I don’t really miss it at all.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Scattered Thoughts

Tweets from the pugs: You may notice a new addition to the sidebar called “Doing Now.”  I hope to use Twitter to give small updates on what the pugs are up to throughout the day.  If you are a Twitter user you can follow us here.  If not don’t worry, you will always see the latest updates in the sidebar.  I hope you enjoy!

Animal Rescue Site: The Animal Rescue Site has teamed up with advertisers to donate food to animals in need.  By clicking on a button on their site, advertisers agree to donate food.  But, the Animal Rescue site is having a hard time getting the number of clicks it needs to have food donated.  So if you have time, stop by and click.  It doesn’t cost you anything.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Scattered Thoughts

PetSource.org Votes: Remember when I asked all of you to vote for Benjamin & Henry in the PetSource Monthly photo contest?  Well, thanks to your votes, the boys won and Compassionate Pug Rescue earned a much deserved $1,000 (they received their check in December).  Well, pug lover Nilda is hoping to earn some money for Ohio Pug Rescue by doing the same thing.  If you can, stop by and vote for her.  Here is the picture she submitted.
Lucy and Nilda

Get your feed on: I have finally got around to creating a feed for the site.  So if you use a feed reader to stay on top of things, here is where you can grab our feed.

Free shipping on OBP calendars:If you still would like to get an Owned by Pugs 2008 calendar we are offering free First Class Mail shipping.

Super Tuesday: Today is Super Tuesday and all the major media outlets are all buzzing with political news.  I managed to stumble across a few bits of Super Tuesday stories that are dog related.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Scattered Thoughts

Scattered Thoughts is simply a collection of the many pug and dog related thoughts that ran through my head this week that didn’t make it into a post of their own.

New Arrival: Fellow blogger, Ragus Pug welcomed a new arrival this week- sweet little Emma Lee!  Congratulations!

Michael Vick: The gag order has been lifted regarding the Michael Vick case and more and more  and more is beginning to come out about the rescued dogs.  I have stumbled across a few articles and I have been reading all I can.  Kudos to all the rescue organizations and volunteers stepping up to help.  I am happy to see that many of the dogs could be rescued and will get a chance to be part of a loving family.

Are you ready for some football? We are looking forward to watching the game on Sunday, but I also can’t wait to watch a little bit of Puppy Bowl IV.  I love that show!

Best pug blogger: This award has got to be given to Turbo.  Just look at that adorable face.  That pic has also been entered into a photo contest, so if you have time go vote for that cutie!


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The Pug Blog chronicles the daily antics of Benjamin, Henry, Luna & Sol.

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