Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Caption This #122


This picture for this week's Caption This is from the archives of my photo library. The photo was originally taken in June 2003 when Benjamin was a little over a year old. At the time, we were still living in MD, but we were in FL on vacation.

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

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Supersize it!



I smell meat! 
look how tiny Benny’s body is…too adorable.

sue s


Take Home?! Mom can we? Can we?!!



Oh too cute! I love S&S;and that is just adorable!

I have a serious question for everyone who gets on here. Not to kill the happy atmosphere, but I’m struggling with my boy, Angus. He’ll be 11 in Dec but we’ve struggled with his back 2 legs being paralyzed more and more gradually over the course of the last 2 years. The vet believes it’s neurological and we’ve tested and tried everything to determine cause - to no avail. I’ve tried everything to keep him healthy and not atrophy so fast.

Well, the latest is that his breathing has gotten more labored at various times despite still being able at points to drag his legs to get where he wants. It’s a typical hospice situation at my house. But he is still mostly all ‘there’ in his mind if that makes any sense.

Our older pug died almost 3 years ago and I’m just not ready to deal with this with Angus. Does anyone have any advice on how to know when it’s time? I waited far too long with Maggie, and don’t want to be cruel with Angus. It just all breaks my heart. My 8 year old daughter remembers it with Maggie and is even more upset about Angus.

Any help, advice, perspective…very appreciated.



Oh Wendy, my heart is breaking for you.  I’m sorry, I don’t have any words of wisdom as that is my worst fear…I can’t face the reality that it’s the inevitable.

I will be praying for Angus and for you to know when the time is best for him…I hope that you are able to get to the root of his problems so that he is able to get better and live many, many more years of happiness and comfort.



Benjamin:  Pull over to the window!  I’ve got my order ready!

To Wendy, first of all, I think I can speak for everyone who read about your beloved Angus, you have our sympathy and concern.  And I have been in your shoes, and I relied heavily on my long-time and trusted vet’s advice.  Talk to him and ask what considerations to use in your decision making.  And then enjoy the time that you have with your sweet Angus. 
You’re in my prayers, 



Is that steak we can take home?

Wendy, what a heartbreaking decision to make.  I think many of us have been there.  It is never easy to decide we have to let go of our beloved babies.  I have to agree with Martha.  Please keep in close contact with your vet and let him/her help you decide.  I wish with all my heart I could give you better advice to allow Angus to continue to stay with you.  God bless you as you and Angus are in my prayers.



Wendy, I echo the sentiments of others: I am so sorry you are having to make this decision.  My friend just last night had to put her 15 year old terrier down.  It was so very hard for her. 
Your vet can certainly guide you to the right time.  I also think that you know Angus and you know when he’s taken a turn for the worse and when you can see it in his eyes.  We all want our babies with us for as long as possible, but we also want them to have the best life and not to suffer, so we have to put them first.
I am praying for your family and for Angus.



Let me in there, Mom!

Wendy, I am very sorry to hear about Angus.  My heart goes out to you.  It is never an easy time seeing our Pug babies get sick on us.  I went through it a year and 7 months ago with my beloved, Milo.  The only advice I can offer is to spend as much quality time together and cherish each and every moment.  It is good advice from everyone to talk to your vet.  Also, Milo “let me know” when it was time and I knew I had to make that tough choice.  You and Angus are in my thoughts.



If I shake my tail, does that mean I get some Steak?

(Restaurant is the delicious “Steak & Shake” (YUM!))

Heather…I’m so sorry to read your post. I am sorry but I can offer no advice…that is something you’ll have to decide for yourself. (((HUG))) All of us who’ve owned pets have been there and that pain. I’ll keep you and your Angus in my prayers.



Wendy, please keep in touch with us.  We care. Hugs, Sue



Hi all - thanks so much for the kind thoughts and prayers. This is hands down the worst part of being owned by pugs.

I’ve made an appt with our vet for Sat to have him evaluated again. I’ll keep you all posted and thanks so much for the encouragement. It means a lot…



Wendy, I like many others here have been there. It is the hardest decision. Know that you and Angus are in my thoughts and prayers. I get teary just thinking about you and Angus. It’s just heartbreaking. ((hug))



Wendy, I’m so glad you are taking him in again.  My heart of hearts says he is too young (still) and there must be a solution to what he is going through.

I have been through soft pallet surgeries, cervical spine surgeries (!!!), tumor removal, lyme disease, and a host of other trials and tribulations so I know how absolutely terrifying it all is…I highly recommend a dog neurologist out of a well known animal hospital if you have one around.

I will be thinking of you and Angus non-stop and keeping you in my prayers.  Please do keep us posted.

All of us in OBP land are a family of “pug people” who know how hard this is!  We may not be there in person, but we are most definitely there in spirit holding your hand and Angus’ paws!!

Pug kisses to Angus from Heather, Baxter and Riley

Patty B.


“Open, open, open!”

Wendy…it’s heartbreaking, I know. You will know when it’s time, but you are doing the right thing by exploring every avenue possible to keep your precious baby with you for as long as possible. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you.

Karen B


Wendy, this is the most horrible decision a pet owner must ever make.  Keep him close and love him all you can.  When the time comes, I believe our pets let us know in small ways that they are ready to go.  When it is time, you will have the peace of mind that you did all you could to make his last months and days comfortable and loving.  Sometimes that’s all we have to comfort us because expected or not, saying good-bye to a beloved pet is never easy.  Rest assured you are in all our prayers and thoughts…So sorry for your pain.  I know it is overwhelming.

Karen B


Make mine rare (just like me)!



Mom, go left for the drive-thru!

Wendy, please know that you, Angus, and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Pug hugs and kisses from Annabelle, Piper, Tessa, and Marley.



Hahaha, a lurker here. I never comment, and I don’t have a good caption, but I wanted to say that I LOVE this photo. Almost as much as I love Steak n’ Shake.

Elizabeth Stratton


Wendy,  My thoughts and prayers are with you also that you are given strength to deal with whatever lies ahead for you.  It is heartbreaking, but you can get through it when you remember all the fine, good times you have had with Angus. (((Hugs))) Elizabeth~

Elizabeth Stratton


Is that a Food Place, Mom?  Smells good. Where is everyone?  Aww, lets go home and EAT!, NOW!

I have never seen that chain, if that is what it is. Elizabeth!and Master Cooper~

Very sweet photo of Benny.  Also Puggy Hugs to Angus from Master Cooper~

sue s


Wendy, Prayers and pug-hugs from the gang in COlorado!



Let’s takehomeasack!

Wendy, a big pug hug from Claude (a 7 year old over-pampered pug pooch).

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