You are viewing entries tagged with the keyword Puppy
Thursday, February 4, 2010

It seems like every time we talk to G-Ma & G-Pa lately they are expecting snow in Maryland. They got a little bit of snow earlier this week and they are expecting a lot more at the end of the week.
All this talk of snow got me thinking about the boys and their romps in the white stuff. Most of their snow pictures are from when they were puppies and believe it or not I did not have a digital camera back then. So, I went digging through all of our photo albums and found these pictures of the boys out and about in the snow.
I think it is pretty cool because these pictures are from one of the biggest snow storms on record for Baltimore. Between Februrary 15-18, 2003, 28.2" of snow fell. The link shows this storm as the biggest storm in MD history, but I know they beat that mark in December 2009. But the page above hasn't been updated since 2005. In any case 28.2" is a lot of snow. I remember how the boys thought it was fun at first, but then just how quickly they got tired of it. After a certain point, they couldn't go anywhere unless a path was cleared because the snow was just too high.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This picture for this week's Caption This is from the archives of my photo library. The photo was originally taken in June 2003 when Benjamin was a little over a year old. At the time, we were still living in MD, but we were in FL on vacation.
Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

For this week’s Caption This, I went back to the archives and found this picture of Baby Benny when he was about a year old. Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

For this week’s Caption This, I had to go digging around in the photo archives. I came up with this picture of Henry from when he was a year old playing on a children’s playground. Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

In keeping with the boys’ birthday celebrations, I thought I would pull a photo from the archives for this week’s Caption This. Here we have Benjamin and Henry at about a year old gazing out the front door in Maryland.
Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This is an old shot of Benjamin & Henry as puppies. One morning they decided to curl up and sleep in their toy bin. The next morning they decided to chew their toy bin! We frequently laugh at how we were complete rookies when we got Benjamin & Henry. I mean, come on, who gets puppies a nice wicker toy basket. We were lucky that basket lasted a week.
As always, I look forward to your captions in the comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

For this week’s Caption This we are going way back. Back to when Benjamin & Henry was just pups! In this shot, the boys are just about 1 year old and we are visiting Grammy in Florida. We still lived in MD at the time and were just down in FL enjoying the sunny weather. Since we were just visiting, and the boys were full of puppy antics, they did not have full run of the house. However, they still tried to keep tabs on every move we made.
As always, I am looking forward to reading your captions in the comments!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I have posted this picture several times before, but it is one of my favorites of Benjamin & Henry’s puppy days. In the photo, Henry is standing and Benjamin is throwing the over the shoulder, “Who, me?” look.
They are only a couple of months old and they are sitting in front of a flower bed, full of mulch under a tree. When they were pups, we affectionately referred to this area at G-Ma’s house as the food bowl.
As always, can’t wait to read the captions. Leave your’s in the comments.
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