Owned by Pugs

Monday, April 27, 2009

Chewing on a Saturday Afternoon

Sol chewing her knucklebone

The last few times we have been to Publix to get knucklebones for the pugs they have been out.  This hasn’t gone over with the pugs very well.  Then I remembered that there was a new shop at the farmer’s market that had knucklebones when we were there late last year.  So on Saturday, we went to farmer’s market and got lots of fruits, veggies & knucklebones.  Turns out that the knucklebones were buy 5 get one free, so of course we went for the deal to have a few extras stashed away.  The knucklebones at Publix are nice, but the knucklebones from the farmer’s market were huge!  Needless to say the pugs were delighted!

We always get a bone for Sol, but she generally never chews it.  Instead, she vacuums up all the little pieces that the other three leave on their towels.  But, Saturday, Sol was ready to tackle her very own knucklebone.  She worked so hard chewing on that bone that she had to stop and take a nap!  Which worked out good because it was time to put the bones away for the night.  Benjamin would chew on them forever and I don’t like the pugs to get too much of a good thing in one day.  I imagine all that “yummy stuff” they pull off the new bones could really wreak havoc on the digestive system.

Here are some pics of the others going to town chewing.

Ben chewing his knucklebone

Henry chewing his knucklebone

Luna chewing her knucklebone

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That-a-girl Sol…She must have been ready to tackle that new adventure now that she remembers nothing but the wonderful splendor of her safe, secure, fun and full of love forever home!!

Such well-behaved loves chewing on their towels…I can only imagine the smell…ick!



Those lucky pugs! What a wonderful home and great parents they have. How did you train them to keep the bones on their towels? Maybe a road trip to Wisconsin to help me train Sadie???
Have a great Monday.

sue s


They look soooo happy! I think beauty & daisey would have those bones all over the house, and the yard! AND They would be fighting over one bone-there can be 6 bones down, but they both want the same one! Happy Monday!



I know the pugs are in pug-heaven, but ICK and YUCK!!! Those things are huge and nasty! Beth, Sleighbelle is also trained to stay on her “blankie” (which is really a towel) when she is chewing on something nasty.  I can’t really remember how I trained her, she just knows that if she wants the chewy, she stays on the blankie.



Pug Heaven!  Way to go Sol!  And she knows too to keep the knucklebone on the towel. These are absolutely great pictures.  Thanks Corrine.



Well you answered my question!!
I have been able to get Sofie to chew her “nasty” things on a blanket.. but Bentley does whatever he wants.



Yikes those are HUGE! That one was bigger than Lunas head!

Andi G.


They all look to be in heaven!  I’m happy that Sol tackled hers and hey, sometimes you just need a nap!  Can’t show my pugs this picture either, they’d be too jealous again, but this time I’m not at all jealous wink



Nevis, I laughed when I read your comment, and then scrolled up to look again, and had to laugh even harder!



Cute and fluff balls awwwws



Oh, what great pictures.  I love that little Sol had to take a nap after chewing so hard that it tired her all out.  They all look so sweet chewing away.  Pug Bliss…~


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