Owned by Pugs

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

2010 Calendars Now Available

I am very happy to announce that the 2010 Owned by Pugs Calendars are now up for sale. The pugs were very happy to greet the UPS man when he delivered the many boxes this afternoon.

Each year, one of the last things I do before I send the calendars off to the printer is I take a picture of each one of the pugs for the back cover. Now, I don't know why, since I adore taking pictures of the pugs, but getting a photo of each one of the pugs for the back page of the calendar becomes an insurmountable task each year. I'm guessing its because I have already put together all of the months and the thought of even opening up photoshop to resize another picture makes me want to take a nap. The smart me would take pictures of the pugs before I even start designing the calendar, you know, when everyone is still submitting pictures, but I just can bring myself to do it. I'll end up using the picture in a blog or I will say to myself, "I can get a better picture than that."

So each year, I drag the pugs out in the yard and shoot a ton of photos just hoping to get something good. The pugs can usually sense my frustration and they almost always never cooperate. It is almost like school picture day and you know how school photos always turn out. But this year, this year was different. We got the pictures for the back page of the calendar in about 5 minutes tops. It went so smoothly that I almost considered getting a few shots for the 2011 calendar while I was out there grin

Here are the pictures that we used for the calendars. I like Luna's shot the best.





Friday, October 16, 2009

2010 OBP Calendar Sneak Peek

2010 Owned by Pugs Calendar

I was very happy this morning when I saw that the 2010 calendars have shipped from the printer and are on their way to my door. I didn't want to keep everyone in suspense any longer so I decided to post images of the calendar pages and to make them available for preorder.

Notification emails will go out early next week when the calendars arrive, so don't worry, if you haven't heard anything from me it doesn't mean that one of your pictures isn't included in the calendar.

Shipping will be free for US addresses for the month of October and if you are still interested in the 2009 Calendars we have a few of those left that are now priced at $5.

View the Calendar Pages

PreOrder Your Copy

Monday, August 10, 2009

Time for the 2010 Calendar Contest

Can you believe it? It is time to open up the 2010 Calendar Contest to submissions. My how time flies!

The format of the contest is the same as previous years. You submit your adorable pug pictures during the month of August, I sort through and create the calendar during the month of September and the calendars go on sale in early October.

So I challenge you to inundate me with adorable pug pictures!

You can find all the contest details here and you can submit your picture to the calendar contest here.

As always, a portion of the proceeds from each calendar sale will benefit pug rescue. This year we have teamed up with the good folks at Central Florida Pug Rescue.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

And we’re back…sorta

So, today was a fun day.  You may have noticed that the site was extremely slow this morning and if you happened to try to get to the site sometime after about 11:45 AM the site was completely down.  I’ll spare you the mundane details, but we had to make a switch to a new server today.  It was something I was planning to do over the weekend, but the issue was kinda forced today, so I had to start the move early.  Everything is up and running except for the Pug Pictures and the Daily Pug Pictures.  There are over 4,000 photos in the Pug Picture gallery and I am still in the process of getting them transfered over to the new server.  Hopefully, I will have that completed by the end of the weekend.

Also, if you sent me an email anytime today or late last night I did not receive it.  Email was down for me the entire day.

I apologize for the interruption and will do my best to get everything back in tip top shape.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Calendar & Holiday Shipping

Just a reminder that Wednesday, December 17, 2008 is the last day to order an Owned by Pugs Calendar and have it delivered before Christmas.  You may always order a calendar after Wednesday, but we can not guarantee that it will arrive before Christmas.  Thanks to all who have purchased a calendar so far!

Friday, October 24, 2008

2009 Calendar

2009 Owned by Pugs Calendar

A little over a week ago the 2009 Calendars went on sale and while it was an incredible exciting day, at the very end of it, I was able to breathe a huge sigh of relief!  This is our fourth year making the calendar and I am very happy how this year’s calendar turned out.  The calendar contest and the accompanying calendar is really one of my favorite parts of the site.  It is a chance for me to see pictures of YOUR pugs!  Each day, I post something about Benjamin, Henry & Luna and share a picture and as I read all of the comments I often wonder or try to imagine things in my head of what your adorable pugs look like.  The calendar is a perfect opportunity for me to see your precious pugs.  So, I want to take the time to thank everyone who submitted a picture.  We received over 1,000 entries this year and, trust me, I looked at each picture submitted multiple times.  Narrowing down the pictures and choosing which pictures get included in the calendar is by far the hardest part.  There were so many pictures I wanted to put in, but there just wasn’t enough room on the pages.  Do you guys really need all those empty grid squares for notes and appointments?

As with every other year, we are donating a portion of the proceeds from the calendar sale to a pug rescue organization.  This year we are working with Central Florida Pug Rescue.  We have attended a few of their events and are very happy to get the chance to work with them.

On a side note, I want to share a photo of a disgruntled Henry.


Each year, I take a picture of the pugs to include somewhere in the calendar.  Well, this year, Henry was not the least bit cooperative.  On our first attempt to get a picture of Henry he had a silly look on his face for every picture.  After about 10 pictures, I took him to go potty, and wouldn’t you know that after that he was all smiles!

Thank you to everyone who submitted pictures and has bought or is going to buy a calendar.  None of this would be possible without you!

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

2009 Calendars Now Available

I will post a bit later in more detail, but I just wanted to let everyone know that the 2009 Calendars have arrived!  You can view the calendar pages here and purchase a calendar here.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Calendar Update

I have been getting emails wondering about the 2009 Calendar.  Here is the scoop.  The calendar is currently at the printer.  It went to print in the early morning hours of September 27th.  The target completion date from the printer is October 13th.  Add on shipping time from California and the calendars are tentatively scheduled to arrive on October 16th.  Which means they will most likely go on sale the evening of October 16th or October 17th barring there are no issues with printing or shipping.  I was thinking about doing a pre-sale when the calendars shipped so that I could get a head start on getting things ready to ship on my end.  What do you think about that?  Would you be interested in a pre-sale?

On an unrelated note, here are just a few pics of the pugs doing their thing.




Have a great weekend everyone!  Enjoy all the colors of Fall this weekend.  That is the one thing I really do miss living in Florida.  There is no Fall here!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Last Day to Submit Entries to the Calendar Contest

Just a reminder, today is the last day to submit pictures to the 2009 Owned by Pugs Calendar Contest.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 18, 2008

2009 Pug Calendar Contest

2009 Pug Calendar Contest

It’s that time again!  Time for the 2009 OBP Calendar Contest!  It is hard to believe that this is our fourth year of doing the contest.  It is quite a task, but I just love looking at all the photos throughout the year.

So, gather up all your adorable pug photos and get them submitted.  And, as always, a portion of the proceeds from the calendar sales will benefit pug rescue.




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