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You are viewing entries tagged with the keyword Sun

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Henry and Luna

We recently installed blinds on the front door for a little privacy and to help cut down on the amount of sunlight that pours into the living room in the evenings. We thought reducing the amount of sunlight that enters the house during the summer would help lessen the load on our friend the AC.

But we couldn't just put up blinds on the window because I could just imagine how quickly the pugs would tear them right off the door. So, we got shades that are enclosed in glass and hook right onto the door, which means the pugs can scratch at the door and won't be messing with the blinds.

One major drawback, is that having the shades closed limits the pugs view. Which is perfectly fine with me because a limited view means limited barking, but I'm not so sure how well it is going to go over with the pugs. So far they seem to be fine.


But, since the amount of sunlight pouring into the house is greatly reduced they do have to chase the sun a bit more. Before a huge rectangle of sun poured through the door. Now they just get little patches that jump around depending on the angle of the sun. But, don't worry, little Luna seems to have gotten the hang of things already.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Sun Lovers

Sun Lovers

Friday, October 12, 2007


Benny leaning up against the wall

So this is Benny’s latest thing, leaning up against the wall while basking in the sun.  He used to sit on the runner near the door, but he decided that sitting up all on his own was just too much work.  So he had to find a better place to rest.  After some debate he settled on a spot in the dining room.  He can still bask in the sun and he can prop himself up using the small wall that separates the dining room from the foyer.  That Benny - he’s always thinking!

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