Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hill’s PetFit Challenge

The Battle of the Bulge is not just for humans.  It seems pets across the country face a lot of the same weight related issues as their owners.  To help raise awareness of pet obesity and the dangers your pet faces by being overweight, Hill’s has designed the PetFit Challenge.  The Challenge was designed to help owners take positive steps in helping their pets shed those extra pounds.

And who better than to set an example for pets across America than Jillian Michaels and her Chihuahua, Baxter.  Jillian Michaels is best know as a trainer on NBC’s show The Biggest Loser.  While Jillian may be in excellent shape her faithful friend Baxter could afford to shed 3 pounds.

Find out more about the Hill’s PetFit Challenge

Help your pug slim down

* Before changing your dog’s routine be sure to visit your veterinarian and talk to them about your plans.  Your veterinarian will be able to give you the best advice that is tailored to your pug’s medical history.

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