Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year's eve was pretty rainy here in FL. And it seems the crappier the weather the more inclined we are to go to the beach. But, we did something a little different this trip. Usually, we go to the dog beach. This is a special area that dogs are allowed to be on. The rest of the beach is off limits for dogs. However, during the offseason, I frequently see dogs on the beach outside of the designated dog area. Being that is was a crappy weather day, we decided that we would go to the people stretch of the beach and just take a little drive (driving is allowed on the beach here). We figured that Henry could ride with his head out the window and soak up some of the salty sea air.
When we drove on the beach, it was bare. Not another car or person in sight. It was awesome! We had the whole beach to ourselves! Henry had his head out the window and was sniffing and looking at the rough sea. We drove for a bit and then we decided that since we were the only ones on the beach we would let Henry out for a short walk. He had a blast getting his feet wet in the surf and trotting along the beach. We only had our feet and paws in the sand for a bit because it was raining, but when we got back in the car, we had one happy pug on our hands!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Henry very intently supervised us putting up the tree and doing the outside decorating, but when it came time to take everything down, he was a bit uninterested to say the least. This was him, outside, on his dog bed snoring up a storm (and being photobombed by the gargoyle) as we took down the outside lights. We had to wake him up and let him know when we were done. 
Monday, January 5, 2015

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Welcome 2015! 2014 finished off with a bang for us. G-Ma & G-Pa came for a holiday visit and boy did we have fun! G-Ma & G-Pa also made sure that Henry was even more spoiled than usual. Not only did Henry get treats and extra lovings, he got to ride in G-Pa's new truck! And there is nothing that Henry loves more than riding in a big 'ole pick up truck!
As I write this, Henry is snoring away, catching up on some must needed sleep. Some little pug had to much fun in the last few days of 2014 and is getting some much needed rest in the early days of 2015!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Henry does not see very well. His vision during the day is one thing, but he really struggles at night. The biggest problem we have right now is that by the time we get home from work, it is pretty much already dark. Which makes his evening walks super challenging.
However, I think we have found a temporary solution. One of our favorite local parks always lights the trees that line the sidewalks. The decorative lights give off just enough light to help Henry be able to navigate things better. So the last few nights we have been driving to the park, then taking a small walk by the light of the Christmas lights. The best part is that this also gets Henry a little car ride!
When the holidays are over, we might also have a backup plan for lighting Henry's evening walks. We noticed that the field lights on the soccer fields light up not only the field, but a large portion of the sidewalk. So, I think we might become the biggest rec league fans and be at the fields to take Henry for a walk at every game.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Last weekend, Henry even wanted to get out and get some of his holiday shopping done. We made a trip to Petsmart so that he could pick out something nice for Cupid. After careful consideration, he decided to get Cupid a pack of mice (the kind that Benny loved to eat), some cat grass (something else that Benny liked to eat) and a few cans of special cat food (something that Henry himself would like to eat). Pretty thoughtful gifts if you ask me!
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas is really sneaking up on us this year. Luckily, Henry was feeling better this weekend and could supervise the tree trimming. For the most part, he kept us on track. Although, after a bit of work, he did insist on taking a snack break!
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