Owned by Pugs

Friday, September 7, 2007


Dogfession: noun; A confession concerning canines; a secret in your heart that you’d only share with your dog; or a secret you wouldn’t want your dog to ever find out!

Dogfessions is a fun site that allows you to share your pug’s innermost thoughts and feelings.  Or you can share a deep dark secret that only you and your pug know.  All you have to do is send in a 4 x 6 postcard detailing your pug’s Dogfession.  The postcard can include pictures of your pug and of course it should also spill the beans with your little one’s Dogfession.

Plus, prizes are awarded each month for the best Dogfessions.

So get out that postcard and let your pug get whatever has been weighing him down off his chest!  The complete details on how to send in your Dogfession can be found here.

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