Owned by Pugs

Friday, April 4, 2008

Oprah takes on Puppy Mills

When I got Benjamin & Henry I had no idea about the horror of puppy mills.  I have since learned a lot about the horrendous breeding conditions that exist in puppy mills.

Today, Oprah will be talking about puppy mills and discussing the cruel realities of the puppy industry.  As animal lovers this is going to be a hard show to watch, but I think having Oprah tackle this issue is going to go a long way in raising the awareness of puppy mills.

Tune in if you can.

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I am so glad Oprah is bringing visibility to this terrible business. People have a lot of respect for her and she has a huge audience to help spread the word.



I won’t be able to watch this show; the images will haunt me.  Be sure if the show is on to not let any pugs watch it.  This story will scare the pug poop out of them!



I can’t watch this stuff…I am not naive to it - but it just destroys me and I want to close them all down and burn the owners at the stake.
I too am glad Oprah is getting in on it- the word will definitely spread!

Hellen Norton


I bought my little one on line from Sugar Creek Kennels in Alabama. She was born in Dec of 07. Today I discovered they rebred her poor mom and have a new litter not 4-months after mine. My little one is health but a total bugger. I had a dog trainer come to my house yesterday (I am house bound). He says she shows no sighs of ever being around humans. It will take a lot of time AND I’ve hard a High School student to come and take her for long walks both in the morning and evening. He says to love her like crazy and be very gentel with how I talk to her.I’m just thankful this little one know what love, company and being well cared for are. Sorry it is so long, but I am in tears with her in my lap praying there is someway to close all these places down.



Yes, such a sad subject.  Hopefully, Oprah will bring enough attention to the situation, more people will be aware and the sales will drop and put them out of business.  Unfortunately, people will still be so in love with those adorable faces that they will keep many in business. :-(

Excuse me, gotta go hug my babies.



If the work can be spread then Oprah is the one to do it. I say you go Girl! Those puppy mills are too horrible for words. I say shut them all down and give the people who run them a life long prison sentence.



My pug Louise is coming out of the industry of the puppy mills.

When I went to buy her, I didn’t realise it.

when I came home, I saw she has a slovenian passport.
We went to see the vet right away because I was scared that she might have some disease but he told me that she is alright.

He only said that she might suffer from heartproblems when she will get older, but it is nothing to be worried about yet.

Here in Belgium, there is not much of attention to the problems with the puppy mills. I am just glad that I have ‘rescued’ one of these puppies and am able to give her a fabulous life.



I agree with Danine, I simply cannot watch shows or stories about puppy mills or any kind of cruelty to, of or involving animals. I have seen enough to know what’s going on, and in order to keep my sanity, I just can’t watch anymore. BUT, I do everything I can to combat it and shut it down whenever and however possible. Thank goodness Oprah did something to address the barbaric atrocity of puppy mills. I only hope she continues to bring this heinous activity to light and that she uses her considerable power and wealth to help shut these concentration camps for dogs down for good, and get the owners of these death camps in jail for a very, very, very long time.

Best Puppy Training


Im glad someone is taking them on, puppy mills are straight up cruelty to animals , but as long as there are buyers…..

Juanita R. Villarreal


I have known all along when I read it on hsus.com, Iam an animal advocate.  I did however find out that it is very likely that my Queen Isabella IV Shih Tzu Black and White
I adopted over five (5) years ago in Florida.
At that time I was just begining to read on animal cruelty.  I hugged my Lela; same one above, and cried unending as I talked to her and told her how she is Loved as long as I live as well as she.  I bred her with a male from a very reputable kennel who said she closed down; I am very sure she was shut down
She seemed very loving to her boy.  Lela whelped two beautiful girls a color of red and white with both she and her partner showing off a color of black and white. I had her spayed since then.  Long story, I have 6 dogs, I was unaware of my male dog and the coquette Princess Garnet, Lela’s youngest, I was too late. She whelped four beautiful puppies of which I adopted out 3. When the owners paid in advanced, I cried so much every time I handed the master her puppy.  The fourth one is addition my pack.
As Garnet whelped the first one, she let out a howl from pain.  I cried so much; I went out and had all my girls spayed, boy; neutered.  When Garnet was ready, she was spayed.  It was too much for me to watch an animal suffer.  I am an active advocate to close down all puppy mills in the world.



people need to not just have a take on puppy mills, but breeders as well.
i rescued my pug from a breeder.
there’s an overpopulation of dogs in the world and as americans, everything has to be ideal. my dog is six years old and his whole life he’s lived in a kennel with four other girls just breeding.



I just lost my “baby” who was a puppy mill survivor. He was 10-12 yrs old and I got him in Jan. He had so many problems from abuse and neglect He died from a collapsed trachea
that got worse. I loved him and did everything I could for him. I don’t know why our government allows this abuse to continue. It’s disgusting. I wish I could save them all but I guess one at a time is what I can do.
I am rescuing another tomorrow but there are so many more!!!
I hope Oprah can make a dent in the problem. If anything, maybe she can convince people not to buy from pet stores!

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