Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Dogfession: noun; A confession concerning canines; a secret in your heart that you’d only share with your dog; or a secret you wouldn’t want your dog to ever find out!

Dogfessions is a fun website where dog lovers share some of their innermost doggie thoughts.  But the submissions aren’t done via e-mail, they are done via good, old-fashion post cards.  Yup, not only do you get to share you dogfession, but you get to show off your creativity and design your very own postcard with your personal dogfession.  It doesn’t matter how creative you get, all that matters is your dogfession is a reflection of you.  Once your post card is complete you send it off to the good people at Dogfessions and they’ll post it on their website (or if you are lucky, it may be in future Dogfession book).

What’s even better is that April & May are special pug themed months and they are looking for as many Pugfessions as they can get.  Best of all, for each Pugfession submitted $1 will be donated to a pug rescue organization.  The pug rescue organization benefiting from Pugfessions include:

I know I have plenty of Pugfessions to share!  I hope you send in your Pugfessions too!

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