Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dream a Little Dream

Dreaming pugs

Does your pug dream?  Benjamin, Henry & Luna dream a lot!  I have been trying to get a video of at least one of them dreaming, but whenever I get close with the camera they start to stir.  I am also ever so curious as to what they are dreaming about.  Sometimes based on Benny’s muffled barks I imagine that Benny is dreaming about chasing Henry around the yard.  And the curious way that Henry sometimes flaps his feet in his dreams, I bet he is thinking about swimming.  And when Luna barks short, quick muffled barks in her sleep I know she is fussing at the boys trying to get those lazy boys to play with her.

Oh, to know what they are really dreaming about!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Benjamin, Henry & Luna

We are getting the carpets steam cleaned today.  Although, all the four legged creatures of the house are very well potty trained, with the amount of foot traffic we have, we like to get the carpets cleaned from time to time to keep things looking and smelling nice.

I thought you guys might like to get in on a little side bet we make every time we get the carpets cleaned.  Who will be the first to throw-up on the freshly cleaned carpets?  My bet is on Cupid within a week of the cleaning.  Although, Benny is very competitive too.

Have a great weekend everyone!  If you ordered a calendar, I am working like mad to get them all shipped out.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Meet Reese


Say hello to Reese!  Reese is Benjamin, Henry, Luna & Cupid’s new cousin.  Reese is an American Bulldog and Bull Mastiff mix who was adopted from a Bulldog Rescue organization is Rising Sun Maryland.  She is a year old and had a rough start to life, but she is now in a wonderful forever home and is set for life!

We hope to meet you one day soon, pretty girl!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Watering Hole

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

Benjamin loves to chew and when he chews for hours on end in the evenings he naturally gets thirsty.  During a normal chewing session, he makes a couple of trips to the water bowl and it isn’t uncommon for him to come close to emptying the pugs’ huge water bowl.  But while he empties the water bowl, I would be surprised if he actually drinks more than a few tablespoons of water.  We have labeled him the most inefficient canine drinker because he somehow always ends up soaking his chin and that cute little bit of extra skin under his neck with water.

I always thought he just dipped his chin in the water while he was drinking, but this super slow motion video of a dog drinking may shed a little bit of light on the subject.  In any case, I found this video of how a dog drinks very fascinating.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sold Out

Sofa hogs

This is the scene on most Saturday nights.  Heck, who am I kidding.  It is pretty much like this every night.  The only thing that makes this picture less realistic is that the cat is not perched on the back of the couch.  The sofa has three cushions and each one of the pugs has claimed a cushion for themselves.  Good thing the pugs are lap dogs or else the humans of the house would be left seeking comfortable seating elsewhere.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Luna in the middle

Luna, Henry & Benjamin

I think she has settled in pretty nicely and she kinda likes having big bros.

Luna, Henry & Benjamin

Thursday, September 4, 2008



This is how I feel / what I wished I was doing this morning.  It is a short week, but so far Tuesday and Wednesday have really packed a wallop!

In any case, Luna is doing pretty good.  We had a low key night and she just snuggled on the couch getting some much needed rest.  I am hoping to have a post about Luna’s teeth cleaning for tomorrow.  Nothing catastrophic,  just some details on the current state of her pearly whites.

Hope your short week back is going well!

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