Sunday, February 7, 2016

Well yesterday was the SuperBowl. No matter which team you were rooting for, we hope you all had a fun time watching. You probably had more fun watching the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet, though! Sorry this is complete fluff this Monday. I've been on a business trip the last week and am just trying to get back into the groove. Peep #2 took vacation time to stay home with Henry and Grammy got a Henry vacation. She will need it since Henry's needs are much greater and she will need to be on her A game like never before! So, talk about a mishmash for this Monday! Whoosh! I will do my best to try to get this train back on track this week!
Thursday, February 4, 2016

One thing that has not changed in Henry's unusual state of his mind is that he still loves him some cat food. And now that Henry barks at each yummy smell, he regularly obsesses over Cupid's food. Part of the problem with him trying to get so close to the food (and likely trying to get a taste) is that there are serious obstacles in his way. You see here that he got stuck under the little chair near the cat's food table. Oh, sweet Henry, you are busted my good boy. Cat food busted! Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids and kitty food is for kitties. #sillypug

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Yesterday, we saw how Henry rode home from the vet. Today, we see how Cupid did. Usually she does a very good job in the car and not that she didn't this time, but she was a lot more wiggly and impatient for the ride home this time. Part of her attitude probably comes from that her thyroid is back out of whack. We are adjusting her meds and will recheck again in 45-60 days. In any case, Henry was chill in the car, the cat not so much.

#cupidstrong #T4toohigh #QPisoffabitfornow
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Monday we saw Henry chillin' in the stroller. Today we see him chillin' in the car. Henry usually lays on the leg closest to the window while we drive. He likes this so that he can catch the smells and feel the wind. On this day, though, coming home from the vet, Henry just wanted to sleep like a baby. He just flopped on his back and went to sleep. The only thing that would have been funnier would be if we could have had him sucking on a pacifier! Oh Henry! Even in your dementia you still have a fabulous sense of humor!
#henrystrong #henryisagoodboy #hankybaby
Monday, February 1, 2016

Welcome back to Ask OBP. Today's question comes from Christie. She wants to know if any of our pugs tried to climb into the dishwasher on a mission of getting some bonus goodies. Well, Christie, although we have seen many a dog in a dishwasher doing just this, our pugs have not followed suit. There is a simple explanation for that, however. The reason is that they had already licked the plates and bowls clean prior to being loaded into the dishwasher. So, by the time they make it to the dishwasher there is really no crumb path for them to follow. We of course, would make it easy for them to lick the dregs from the plates so that they would not have to fetch and last licks from the dishwasher. The question is not why wouldn't our pugs climb in the dishwasher, the question would be why WOULD they need to?! Hahahaha!!!! With all of that said, I am sure if we left any drizzles on the dirty dishes, though, Benny would have made his way to both the top and bottom racks. He was a good cleaner upper that way! Even now, it is amazing how our home is so much dirtier without him around to lick up any crumbs from the floors. Pugs are like vacuums for sure! Good question, Christie! It sounds like your pugs may have been busted in the dishwasher a time or two. Is that so? Anyone else have dishwasher bandits?
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Since Henry has been under the weather, he's not been up to walking much. So, we've been taking him out in the stroller. He doesn't really like the stroller either, though. This has worked in our favor. We load him in the stroller and walk a few short blocks and then he demands to get out. Then he walks home in a huff as though he was never even in said stroller. We call this his walk of indignation. We stroll him until he becomes indignant, let him out then he struts home.

This pattern had been working pretty well. That is, until the weather got pretty chilly here in Florida. Once the temps fell to the 40's and 50's he didn't want to walk that much. That was a bit concerning, too, since Henry has always been a cool weather walker. We kind of thought the cold would improve his walking desire and ability. Nonetheless, the more walks like this we took the more we realized that the stroller usage might have started to back fire on us. Henry started to really embrace the stroller. You can see in this photo he is one passed out pug! On the day that the photo was taken, his passed out status did not last all that long, though. That day we walked the 2 mile neighborhood loop and he ended up walking about a half mile total. That is max walking distance these days. Typically he gets in about 4-6 houses and back. So, the stroller has been helpful in inspiring him walk and working against us in the fact that now he is taking advantage! But of course that is ok. We don't mind. Henry is a good boy deserving of any happy times he can get.
Thursday, January 28, 2016

After a few days of virtually being house bound by Henry's eye drop schedule, we were all getting a bit of cabin fever and a little punchy. Henry hung out with us on the sofa. The center cushion is unarguably Cupid's seat. If you are in that seat and she comes sauntering over, well, you just better either scoot over, move to a clamshell chair, the floor or MAYBE, if you put one of her favorite blankets on your lap, she MIGHT sit on your lap. Well, imagine her dismay when she discovered that a passed out Henry had commandeered her spot!

At first she was hot under the collar and gave the stink eye to all in the vicinity. Next, she bit the dust and begrudgingly took the sliver of the center cushion that was still to be had. Ultimately she relaxed some and somehow managed to keep her dignity in tact even while keeping company with a dog! By the end, there were 2 critters on the couch sharing the center square. I am not exactly sure if we can say they are finally friends but at least there was no hissing, no bapping, no barking and all was right with the world for an hour (until it was eye drop time again).

#WasFunWhileItLasted #BingGoesTheTimer #AnHourIsNotLongDependingOnWhatYouAreDoing
Complete sidenote: Today is Luna's Gotcha Day. We reported it was 1/26 but it is 1/29. Simple dyslexic maneuver on our part. Our apologies.
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