Owned by Pugs

Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl XLVI

The teams playing in Super Bowl XLVI didn't turn out exactly how we would like (darn Ravens), but that didn't stop us from enjoying the game on Sunday. And the pugs love football Sundays! What can be better than snacks and cuddle time!

You can see a little bit of the tv in the mirror behind the pugs, but it sure doesn't look like the pugs are too interested. I'm pretty sure they were all snoring by the end of the first quarter.

Here's hoping your team won!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Love Is

Love is Being Owned by a Pug

I have been meaning to share a picture of this little plaque for a while now. People are always surprised because I don't a very big pug knick knack collection. As crazy as I am about pugs they just assume that I collect everything pug. I just tell them that I only "collect" the real thing. wink

That being said, I couldn't pass up this little plaque.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Benjamin, Henry and Luna

Six. That is the number of dog beds that we took on vacation with us. Crazy. I know.

We filled the backseat legroom with dog beds and put a few beds on the backseat itself. That way the backseat was extended and very cozy for the long drive.

Once we arrived we spread the dog beds around the cabin, putting them in strategic locations where we thought the pugs would want to lay. But, wouldn't you know it, the pugs weren't that interested in the dog beds we brought. When relaxing, they preferred to use the human bed.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Henry and Luna

Everyone knows I have a thing for dog beds and I know a few of you have wondered exactly how many dog beds we have in the house. So, I counted them up this weekend and came up with 20. Not bad. That is less than 7 dog beds per pug. grin

If you break it down by rooms, my office comes in first with a total of 7 beds. When I worked from home those were 7 very much used dog beds. The living room has the next highest tally at 5. The pugs use those beds a lot when we watch TV in the evenings. The rest of the beds are around the house. 3 of the beds are also used in the pugs' crates (1 in each crate).

There are also two dog beds that are out of the rotation. One is the orthopedic dog bed that we bought for Sol. Solsey didn't really like the bed and Benjamin, Henry and Luna never liked it either so it is tucked away and not currently in use. The other bed not in use is small orthopedic bed for Luna's crate. She was not pleased when we put that bed in her crate so we took it out and put something a bit more comfortable in there for her.

Much to a lot of people's surprise, all the beds are used. If we get a bed and it isn't used, we will usually try a different spot in the house. If it still isn't used we will give it away to a friend. And over the years, we have had to throw a few beds out because the pugs had completely worn them out.

While a lot of the beds are on the floor, there are some beds that are strategically placed. Take my office for example. 3 of the beds in that room are on top of ottomans. The pugs like to be up higher in my office so that they were closer to my desk.

After breaking it down and looking at things this way, I think we need more dog beds. grin

Friday, September 23, 2011


Luna and Henry

So, I was out shopping last weekend, when I saw a display labeled as "Massive Pet Beds". Of course I couldn't resist brining one home for the pugs. Its weird, people always look at you funny when you are wheeling around a dog bed that is bigger than your shopping cart. I had a few people ask what kind of dog I had. I got a lot of laughs when I said pug.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Look Alikes?

Crazy Pug Lady mentioned in the comments last week that Benny looked a lot like a fawn Solsey. So, I was having a little fun with the iPad and took a few pictures of the pugs in X-Ray mode. What do you think? Anyone look like Solsey?







I don't know. I think they all look better as fawn pugs. wink

Wednesday, August 17, 2011



Meet Jake! Jake is a friend of Benjamin, Henry & Luna. Jake and the pugs like baseball and have hung out together at a Bark at the Park event.

Jake and his family recently bought a new house. After hearing the news, the pugs knew just what to bring Jake - a dog bed. After all you can never have too many dog beds!

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