Owned by Pugs

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Monday, December 18, 2006

No Respect


On Sunday, we took a break from the mall and all our holiday shopping and went to the beach with the pugs.  Someone had built this cute little “sandman” and inevitably Benny had to pee on it.


Henry could not, of course, be out done by his brother so he got in on the action.


And Luna, who happens to be headless in this shot due to her mother’s photography skills, had to prove that anything her brothers could do she could do better!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

We celebrated a birthday in the house last week and Benjamin got in on the action by wearing the birthday bow.  (Look close and you will see the little red bow on his head)  For some reason, Benjamin really enjoyed wearing the bow.  He wore it the whole time presents were being opened.

Benjamin’s toe is doing a bit better.  We are still trying to keep him calm and “off his paws.”  It has been hard trying to keep Benny quiet while Henry and Luna are little bundles of energy.  Henry and Luna have been keeping their normal walk schedule and we have been taking Benjamin on his own special short walks.  Despite his injury, Benny always wants to walk farther, but, I think he is enjoying his solo walks.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Halloween Fiasco

Benjamin & the girl

In all of the after Halloween rush of the Pugfest in Atlanta, announcing the Costume Contest winners and selling the 2007 Owned By Pugs Calendars, I almost forgot to blog about the Halloween fiasco that occured.  In the photo you can see what we refer to as “the girl.”  It is a little statue in the background behind Benjamin in the photo.  Well, after we made our rounds through the neighborhood with the pugs in their 3 little pigs costumes, we came home to answer the door for trick or treaters.  At first we didn’t have too many and we didn’t really need to man the door.  Unfortunately, “someone” got careless and left the bowl of goodies on “the girl’s” tray.  Of course, Benjamin the curious little pug, got to sniffin’ and smellin’ and tried to get to the goodies.  He ended up pulling the girl over and her arm broke off and pieces of ceramic and Skittles went everywhere.  Fortunately, no one was hurt but “the girl” is beyond repair.

The broken girl

Amusing side note to this story.  “The girl” was a Christmas gift this past year.  Henry was sleeping when she was opened and assembled.  When Henry woke up, he was shocked to find the lady in his home and barked at her confused by her short stature and bewildered as to how she snuck into the house.  It was quite a riot.

Friday, October 20, 2006

She Learns!


When little Luna came to us, she knew nothing. OK, maybe not “nothing.” She had some street smart skills - like scavenging through garbage cans, but she didn’t know any basic simple commands like “sit,” “down,” “off,” etc. She didn’t have a clue about walking on a leash and she even jumped up on table tops because she just didn’t know any better. Well, fortunately, we have managed to undo some of her bad habits, such as the standing on table tops and leash walking. (She’s not perfect at the whole leash thing but at least she pretty much stays on the path, now.) Through much training and practice, she has mastered the sit command.

However, what we are really pleased to brag about today, though, is that for the first time, she has achieved the down command on a semi-regular basis. We used to think that it was impossible for her to ever get a grasp on this because she always seemed to want to keep her derriere in the air. Well, at long last, she has gained a clue to the command of “down.” We wouldn’t say she has aced it quite yet, but it did seem like a huge breakthrough. If you have ever seen “The Miracle Worker” it was similar to the scene where Annie Sullivan helps Helen Keller learn the sign for “water.” As a matter of fact, we giggled amongst ourselves that she CAN learn! Talk about teaching an old dog new tricks! It can be done, but believe you me, it is so much easier when they are puppies!

Friday, July 7, 2006

Playing at the beach

Playing at the beach

There is just something about the sand that gets everyone fired up and ready to run.  Every time we go to the beach, the pugs run in and out of the water and all around the beach.  They run hard and they play hard.  In the picture above, Luna is in the process of pouncing on Benny and shortly after she lands, Henry is going to pommel both of them.

Before we adopted Luna they told us that she was just a little girl.  I wasn’t concerned at first because I thought it would be cool to have a little one running around and I really didn’t think she would be much smaller than Baby Benny.  However, when I met her, all that kept running through my head was this girl is tiny.  Both of the boys tower over her!  Soaking wet Luna only weighs about 12lbs and Henry has at least 10lbs on her.

After meeting Luna and seeing how tiny she is and knowing how rough the boys play I became very concerned and I was just sure that the boys were going to hurt Luna while everyone was playing.  My worries were all put to rest the first moment the three of them started playing.  Luna is a spitfire!  She is quick, agile, extremely flexible and possibly plays the roughest of the three.

The beach is a great place for her to let loose and burn off some of her energy.  The boys just love to have her chase them and I am glad that she doesn’t make it easy on them.  She really keeps the boys on their toes.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Birthday Boys

Benjamin & Henry

This past week both Benjamin & Henry celebrated their 4th birthday.  Benjamin turned 4 on March 27 and Henry turned 4 on April 3.  It is so hard for me to believe that my little boys are 4 years old already!  It seems like only yesterday that they were unruly puppies.

Birthday celebrations were pretty low-key this year, but we are going to go to Doggie Dayz this weekend to pick up Benjamin & Henry’s complimentary birthday bones!  I’m sure we will get something for little Luna too.  We don’t want the little one to feel left out.


Friday, February 24, 2006

The Infamous Dog Bed

The Infamous Dog Bed

On cool days, the boys like to lounge outside my office door in the screened-in part of the yard.  They are out there a lot soaking up the sun’s rays so awhile back I thought I would buy them a nice, comfy, outdoor bed.  The bed is meant to be used outdoors and it keeps them up off the ground.  The way it is constructed the bed part sags in the middle so it is kinda like a little hammock.

When the bed finally arrived, I was very excited and as soon as I put it together I knew the boys would just love it.  Well it turns out that the boys were less than enthused.  They wanted nothing to do with the new bed and instead they opted to either sleep on one of the chairs outside or even the ground.

So the bed just said outside for a few weeks and then I noticed that the cat started using it.

Cupid on the dog bed

The cat found it plent cozy and started spending a fair amount of her time napping in the bed.  Well, wouldn’t you know that as soon as the cat started using the bed, the boys started to show some interest and suddenly the bed was good enough for them to sleep on.

So the once never used bed is now the favorite outdoor sleeping spot for everyone.


Monday, February 13, 2006

A trip to the dog park

Luna's first visit to the dog park

We didn’t have any big plans for Sunday so we thought it would be a good day to take a drive and go to the big dog park in Jacksonville and let the boys and little Luna run around.  This was Luna’s first trip to the park so we were curious to see how she would do in such a huge park with so many dogs.

Luna handled it like everything else that has been thrown her way the past two weeks since we have adopted her.  PERFECTLY!  She was the perfect little lady playing with many of the other pugs and small dogs in the park.  The only tip-off that this was her first visit to the park, was that she fell into the pond in the small dog section.

The small dog section of the park has a small pond at one end where dogs can cool off.  Luna thought of the pond more like a puddle and when she was chasing Benjamin & Henry around the pond she thought she would get a leg up by cutting through the middle of the “puddle”.  Well to her surprise the “puddle” was a little bit deeper than she thought.  All in all, she handled it well.  She quickly swam to the edge and shook herself off.  Surprisingly, she wasn’t phased by any of it.

We had towels in the car, so we got her dry and put one of Henry’s old sweaters on her to help keep her warm for the rest of the trip.

The boys were up to their usually antics.  Running around the sand pile, going through the tunnels and chasing other dogs at the park.  They did a good job looking after their little sister and making sure she didn’t stray too far from the pack.

The boys running around the sand pile at the park


Friday, February 3, 2006

Running on the beach

Benjamin, Henry and Luna at the beach

Yesterday, everyone was full of energy, so we thought we would go to the dog beach after work to give everyone a chance to run around.

This was Luna’s first trip to the beach, at least with us, so we were curious to see what she would think.  It turns out, she is very much like the boys.  As soon as her feet hit the sand she was off and running.

The boys chased Luna, Luna chased the boys and at times we weren’t sure who was chasing who.  There were just three crazy pugs running and running.

We didn’t go in the water as it was a little chilly, but Luna didn’t seem to mind getting her feet wet by running in and out of the water that was lapping on the shore.


Thursday, June 9, 2005

Pugs Bunny

Last night we got a break from the humidity and enjoyed a rather nice Florida evening.  The boys were in the yard romping around along with Cupid, the cat, and Lou, our bunny.  At 9 years old, Lou is actually the oldest of the group and he has a very patient disposition.  He loves to play tag with the cat and he doesn’t mind hanging out with the boys either.

Benjamin absolutely adores Lou.  He really looks up to his big brother (er, well he admires him, but he has to look down to see him).  So after wrestling with Henry, Benjamin went to hang out with his brother Lou.

Here is a shot of the whole gang hanging out in the yard.


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