You are viewing entries tagged with the keyword Luna
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
As a tribute to Valentine’s Day, the pugs would like to recap some of the things that they love.
Benjamin, of course, loves food. Here are some of Benjamin’s finer moments with food. There’s Benny waiting for pumpkin bread. Benny trying to walk off with Luna’s birthday cake and even Benjamin sleeping with his bone. That’s a true pug for you! A pug that loves food!

Then there’s Henry. He isn’t quite as shallow as Baby Benny. Henry loves simple things. Henry is more like a Jimmy Buffet kind of dog. He loves relaxing in the pool in his pug tug and also going to the beach.

Luna, the diva of the trio, has definitely learned to love the finer things in life. Being the girly girl she is, she loves her fashion! Luna also has a multiple love of birthday parties. There’s cake and couture! What else could a lady need?

Needless to say, though, they also love each other!

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! May you and yours feel the love all day everyday!
Monday, February 12, 2007

We haven’t been to the dog beach in some time, so this weekend we decided the pugs were due for a much needed beach day. Baby Benny and Luna had been bouncing off the walls at home with endless energy so going to the beach was the perfect way to tire them out. There is just something about the sand that makes all three want to run and run and run.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna didn’t disappoint. As soon as we got to the beach, they started romping around. In the shot above, you can see Benjamin & Henry are “it” and Luna is about to be tagged.

The water was a little chilly, but that didn’t stop Benjamin & Henry from going out and getting their paws wet. Luna dipped a toe or two in, but for the most part she stayed on dry land.

Benny was feeling particularly adventuresome and he went in the water the farthest he has ever been before. Most of the time, Benny hangs right by the shore, but this time he ventured out a few paces. The funny thing with Benny is that he goes out a little bit and then once he realizes how far out he is he turns and runs as fast as he can to shore. You can see the light bulb go off in his head that says, “Oh, no! Benny is too far from shore!”
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
If you ask the simple question, “Do you want to go?” in our house, you will find that you get quite a response. The other night, we had to run to the Post Office and we thought we would grab some Ritter’s on the way home. It was a nice night out so we thought we would ask Benjamin, Henry & Luna if they wanted to join us. Here was there response…
A quick word of caution to those who may be reading this in a quiet office or some other peaceful location. This video contains crazy pug barking, so make sure you have your sound properly adjusted before playing it.
A Simple Question on Vimeo
If you are wondering where that shrill, high pitched squeal is coming from - that is the infamous Baby Benny. I wouldn’t say he barks, he more or less shrieks. The other barking is coming from Henry and while Luna is excitedly running around, she never barks in the video. Instead, she leaves all that to her brothers! Who would have thought that two little pugs could make so much noise!
Friday, December 22, 2006

G-Ma and G-Pa are coming to town, so that means that the pugs are going to go from spoiled to super spoiled this week.

I hope everyone has a safe and festive holiday season! Everyone here at the Pug Blog, including Benjamin, Henry and Luna, wish you good cheer this holiday season.
To help celebrate, here are a few of our old holiday photos from before we even had Luna. Its hard to believe there was a time that little Luna wasn’t part of the pack. In any case, these photos of Benny and Henry always make me smile. Benjamin is in his Santa outfit and Henry is dressed as a reindeer and he is not one bit amused by his outfit.

Monday, December 18, 2006

On Sunday, we took a break from the mall and all our holiday shopping and went to the beach with the pugs. Someone had built this cute little “sandman” and inevitably Benny had to pee on it.

Henry could not, of course, be out done by his brother so he got in on the action.

And Luna, who happens to be headless in this shot due to her mother’s photography skills, had to prove that anything her brothers could do she could do better!
Friday, October 20, 2006

When little Luna came to us, she knew nothing. OK, maybe not “nothing.” She had some street smart skills - like scavenging through garbage cans, but she didn’t know any basic simple commands like “sit,” “down,” “off,” etc. She didn’t have a clue about walking on a leash and she even jumped up on table tops because she just didn’t know any better. Well, fortunately, we have managed to undo some of her bad habits, such as the standing on table tops and leash walking. (She’s not perfect at the whole leash thing but at least she pretty much stays on the path, now.) Through much training and practice, she has mastered the sit command.
However, what we are really pleased to brag about today, though, is that for the first time, she has achieved the down command on a semi-regular basis. We used to think that it was impossible for her to ever get a grasp on this because she always seemed to want to keep her derriere in the air. Well, at long last, she has gained a clue to the command of “down.” We wouldn’t say she has aced it quite yet, but it did seem like a huge breakthrough. If you have ever seen “The Miracle Worker” it was similar to the scene where Annie Sullivan helps Helen Keller learn the sign for “water.” As a matter of fact, we giggled amongst ourselves that she CAN learn! Talk about teaching an old dog new tricks! It can be done, but believe you me, it is so much easier when they are puppies!
Thursday, October 5, 2006

Great news, everyone! The results of Luna’s biopsy came back today and the bump on Luna’s eye is not cancerous!
Earlier in the week, the ophthalmologist called to let us know that the culture results were in and that the test showed that there were no “infectious agents” present. My heart sank as soon as I heard this because I naturally assumed if it wasn’t an infection causing the bump that it must be cancer. However, the ophthalmologist reassured me that this wasn’t necessarily the case and that the extra drops we had been giving Luna could have cleared up her fungal infection.
And it turns out that this is the case. Since the bump is not cancer, it is presumed that the bump was caused by a fungal infection and that it required a strong course of drops to cure it. Initial tests showed that Luna had a fungal infection in her eye, but the ophthalmologist recommended a biopsy after being on medicine to treat the fungal infection showed no signs of improvement in Luna’s eye. The week leading up to Luna’s surgery for the biopsy, we increased the one set of drops and added another new drop to the routine. This one, two punch is what finally cleared the fungal infection.
So, the fungal infection is now cleared! We went to the ophthalmologist this morning and they said that Luna’s eye is healing very well. We just have to keep a close watch to make sure things continue to progress. If another one of these infections occur, which the ophthalmologist warned us about since Luna’s eye has an odd shape and is very bulgy, they may recommend that we permanently seal the corner of Luna’s eye. This would help protect her eye. However, this procedure may not even be necessary.
The white bump on Luna’s eye is what is left of the bump. When Luna’s eye was at its worse, this bump was about three times the size and a very bloody, red color. We are so glad that little Luna is on the mend. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and positive thoughts! We couldn’t have done this without you!
Monday, September 18, 2006

This is Luna’s Mama’s Girl outfit. It has a little bandana that she can wear around her neck or like a little kerchief like they wore in the olden days. It doesn’t make her eye sore look very flattering and she does look a bit orphanly, but she is such a sweetie she can pull anything off! She even let her sister, QP cat, wear it, too. It is so sisterly to share clothes! Cupid likes Luna the best of all the pugs. Must be a girl thing.

Friday, July 7, 2006

There is just something about the sand that gets everyone fired up and ready to run. Every time we go to the beach, the pugs run in and out of the water and all around the beach. They run hard and they play hard. In the picture above, Luna is in the process of pouncing on Benny and shortly after she lands, Henry is going to pommel both of them.
Before we adopted Luna they told us that she was just a little girl. I wasn’t concerned at first because I thought it would be cool to have a little one running around and I really didn’t think she would be much smaller than Baby Benny. However, when I met her, all that kept running through my head was this girl is tiny. Both of the boys tower over her! Soaking wet Luna only weighs about 12lbs and Henry has at least 10lbs on her.
After meeting Luna and seeing how tiny she is and knowing how rough the boys play I became very concerned and I was just sure that the boys were going to hurt Luna while everyone was playing. My worries were all put to rest the first moment the three of them started playing. Luna is a spitfire! She is quick, agile, extremely flexible and possibly plays the roughest of the three.
The beach is a great place for her to let loose and burn off some of her energy. The boys just love to have her chase them and I am glad that she doesn’t make it easy on them. She really keeps the boys on their toes.
Monday, February 13, 2006

We didn’t have any big plans for Sunday so we thought it would be a good day to take a drive and go to the big dog park in Jacksonville and let the boys and little Luna run around. This was Luna’s first trip to the park so we were curious to see how she would do in such a huge park with so many dogs.
Luna handled it like everything else that has been thrown her way the past two weeks since we have adopted her. PERFECTLY! She was the perfect little lady playing with many of the other pugs and small dogs in the park. The only tip-off that this was her first visit to the park, was that she fell into the pond in the small dog section.
The small dog section of the park has a small pond at one end where dogs can cool off. Luna thought of the pond more like a puddle and when she was chasing Benjamin & Henry around the pond she thought she would get a leg up by cutting through the middle of the “puddle”. Well to her surprise the “puddle” was a little bit deeper than she thought. All in all, she handled it well. She quickly swam to the edge and shook herself off. Surprisingly, she wasn’t phased by any of it.
We had towels in the car, so we got her dry and put one of Henry’s old sweaters on her to help keep her warm for the rest of the trip.
The boys were up to their usually antics. Running around the sand pile, going through the tunnels and chasing other dogs at the park. They did a good job looking after their little sister and making sure she didn’t stray too far from the pack.
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