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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Double Duty

Benjamin and Henry

It is rare to ever find this arm of the couch pugless. The boys love to sit in this spot because they have a clear view out the front door. Even, Luna has been sitting there lately.

Usually, the pugs take turns sitting there. But, lately, the boys have been sharing the spot. So, to anyone that might pass by the house, beware, we have two pugs on guard duty now.

Friday, January 14, 2011

No Snow


Another cold front has moved through and we are back to pretty chilly mornings and nights. But, I guess, when you are the only state with no snow on the ground you can't really complain.

Henry, the sun lover, does not let a little cold weather keep him from soaking up the sun's rays. At lunch each day, he finds the sunniest spot he can, and then sprawls out. The rays aren't as warm as they are during summer, but there isn't a bunch of white stuff covering the grass so he will take it!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Caption This #176


Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

Luna, Henry, Benjamin

Warmest Christmas wishes from Benjamin, Henry & Luna.

Also, OBP Reader Martha, worked very closely with Benjamin, Henry & Luna and put together this Christmas dance for everyone. I hope you enjoy.

On a side note, things are going to be crazy busy here in the OBP house for a bit, so I am going to take a few blogging days off. I will return on Thursday, December 30th and will let you know if Santa brought anything for the pugs and also let you know what New Year Resolutions Benjamin, Henry & Luna have come up with for 2011.

Have a safe and merry holiday!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Luna, Henry, Benjamin

The pugs weren't quite as happy to pose with the snowman as they were to pose with the Christmas tree. It might be because they find having a snowman in Florida absurd. I agree, but I couldn't resist this guy when I saw him at the store.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

O Christmas Tree

Benjamin, Henry, Luna

The stockings have been hung and the presents have been wrapped. All that is left is for the pugs to pose with the holiday decorations. grin

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Caption This #175

Benjamin, Luna and Henry

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Benjamin, Henry, Luna

This was the sight on Sunday morning as we glanced through the paper. Could just be me, but they look like a cinnamon bun curled up like that.

Friday, December 17, 2010



Last weekend, we finally got the house decorated and full of holiday cheer. Which means we have been able to relax and enjoy the decorations this week.

The pugs generally do a good job with the tree, although this year Henry keeps bumping into the lower branches and knocking off some of the lower ornaments. He is usually high tailing it to the door to bark at someone, so I think he is just distracted and not really paying attention.

Cupid likes to hide out under the tree and lucky for us she has no interest in climbing the tree or poking around in the branches.

Benjamin and Luna are pretty much oblivious to the big, fake tree now sitting in their living room. But, the stockings and Benjamin are a completely different story. We can't put any of Benjamin's Christmas treats in the stockings otherwise Benny will sit and whine at the stockings from now until Christmas morning.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Caption This #174


Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

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