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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Caption This #62

Benjamin, Henry & Luna in Time Out

I know I already posted this shot, but I thought it would make a good Caption This photo.  Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Caption This #61

Luna at the pool's edge

Here we have little Luna standing at the pool’s edge.  Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Run puggies, run

I have been on a quest to get a good video of the pugs playing to share with you and until now, I haven’t really been able to capture anything good.  Most of the times when the pugs are playing I don’t have the Flip handy and by the time I go get it I end up with 3 pugs just staring up at me.

But, the other night I was able to get a little video of the pugs playing around the pool.  Benjamin & Henry love to chase each other around the pool.  Luna, as you will notice in the video, isn’t too fond of circling the pool.  Since she doesn’t see too well, she tends to hang back while the boys are chasing each other near the gigantic puddle in the yard.  You will see her in the video a bit, and I would like to point out, that she is running no where near as fast as she can.  She takes it easy on the boys grin

My favorite part of the video comes at about 1:32 when Benny turns into a mad man and circles the bench.

Hopefully, there will be more playing videos to come.  I will try to get one of little Luna outrunning her big brothers.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Caption This #58

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend.  I sure did enjoy the time off.

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Caption This #57

Luna ready for the rain

We could desperately use some rain here in Central Florida, so I thought this would be an appropriate Caption This for the week.  Looking forward to you captions in the comments!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

It ain’t pumpkin bread, but it’ll do

Benjamin, Henry & Luna waiting for a piece of blueberry bread

By now I think everyone knows that Benjamin has a thing for pumpkin bread.  So when it isn’t Fall, Benjamin is sad because there is no pumpkin bread.  Well, fear not!  I think we have found a possible replacement to get him through Spring and Summer - blueberry bread.  Blueberry bread is the latest bread choice at Bob Evans and we have been bringing some home to the pugs.  They most definitely like it.  They don’t love it as much as pumpkin bread, but it is definitely a good second choice.

On a side note, when I take photos where I put the bread on the glass table and have the pugs wait until I snap the photo, Luna always cracks me up.  She always sticks her head underneath the glass and tries to smell and lick the bread.  Guess she is learning about a little thing called the “glass ceiling.”

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Caption This #55


In this week’s Caption This we have little Luna packing her bags.  Can’t wait to see your captions in the comments!

It might be a stretch, but I tried to pick a photo that will keep the Pugami Vice story line alive. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Caption This #54


Another car themed Caption This for this week.  Here we have little Luna taking a look out the back of the truck.  Looking forward to your captions in the comments!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Good Weekend

Luna, Benjamin & Henry relaxing in the sun

This weekend was a great weekend for pug and parents!  We got almost all of our usual weekend to do items done on Friday night so that we could have some free time on Saturday and Sunday.  We went to the grocery store, cut the grass, made the dog food bowls for the week and replenished our stock of turkey by cooking and freezing 14 packages of ground turkey.

We didn’t finish cooking the turkey until about 10ish on Friday night and Baby Benny was so cute because he was falling asleep while sitting up.  The turkey can not be cooked without him supervising and he was trying so hard to stay awake until we were completely finished.

Saturday morning we went for a long walk with the pugs before it got too hot.  It was a beautiful day and a great walk.  When we got back home we went out for a little fun and some shopping giving the pugs a chance to catch a nap.  Later that night we caught up on all the TV shows we recorded and the pugs when to work on their knucklebones.

Sunday started much like Saturday in that we took the pugs for a long walk right after Luna finished reading the paper.  Then we went to the gym and hopped in the pool for a bit when we got home to cool off.  Much to Benjamin & Luna’s liking we didn’t stay in the pool long.  The rest of Sunday was just a lazy afternoon.  The pugs were happy relaxing in the sun and of course Benjamin was begging to have a chance to chew his knucklebone bone on Sunday night.  He is completely obsessed with those bones!

I hope you had a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Caption This #52

Benjamin, Henry & Luna in the car

Road trip!  Looking forward to your captions in the comments!

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