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Thursday, December 23, 2010


Luna, Henry, Benjamin

The pugs weren't quite as happy to pose with the snowman as they were to pose with the Christmas tree. It might be because they find having a snowman in Florida absurd. I agree, but I couldn't resist this guy when I saw him at the store.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

O Christmas Tree

Benjamin, Henry, Luna

The stockings have been hung and the presents have been wrapped. All that is left is for the pugs to pose with the holiday decorations. grin

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Caption This #175

Benjamin, Luna and Henry

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Benjamin, Henry, Luna

This was the sight on Sunday morning as we glanced through the paper. Could just be me, but they look like a cinnamon bun curled up like that.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010



When I go to lunch at work, Luna always joins me. She is almost always sleeping in the bin near my desk, so to hop down she climbs out of the bin and jumps off of the dog bed that is on top of an ottoman. She inevitably knocks the dog bed off the ottoman every time she jumps down.

When I come back from lunch, I usually pick the dog bed up and put it back on the ottoman. But some days I miss it and Luna then uses that opportunity to try out the underside of the bed. I rarely ever see her sleep in this bed when it is right side up, but flip it over and she loves it.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Luna and Benjamin

It is an unspoken rule that the puff pillow belongs to Luna. So, I was quite surprised the other day when I saw that Ben had wiggled his way into the puff pillow bed with Luna. I guess Luna didn't mind so much because of the recent cold weather. With the recent cold snap everyone, even Luna, can use a little more pug body heat.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Stair Masters

When we lived in Maryland, we lived in a 3 story house. So, the boys got plenty of practice going up and down steps. When we moved to Florida, our new house is on one level and there is no steps to be found. The boys rarely come across steps anymore in their daily travels.

To keep them fresh, whenever we walk past this one building that has a flight of steps running up the side, I always take them up and down just for fun. The boys do great, but at first Luna didn't know what to do. I don't think she had much step experience as a puppy. But, she has finally learned how to go up and down the steps. Going up was never much of a problem. It has always been the going down part. Luna isn't the quickest, but she gets the job done.

Stair Masters from obp on Vimeo.

Monday, December 6, 2010



The winter weather in Central Florida doesn't always agree with little Miss Miami.


Which means blankets for human use are pretty hard to come by around here.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sleepy Girl


We rarely give the pugs table scraps when we eat, however, that does not keep them from staring longingly at us while we dine hoping that someone will cave and give them a few bites to eat.

Since we rarely cave, they pugs tend to get bored just watching us eat. This is especially true for Luna. As dinner goes on, her eyes begin to droop and before you know it she is laying under the table snoring. But, don't worry, give a little piece of something to the boys and she can spring back into action in no time flat.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Luna, Henry and Benjamin

I got home from a quick, weekend trip on Monday and as soon as I arrived home, the pugs were inspecting my suitcase. A lot of dogs think of the suitcase as bad news, but Benjamin, Henry & Luna view suitcases as magical treat portals. Suitcases bring yummy treats from Maryland to Florida courtesy of G-Ma.

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